Monday 18 November 2013

Radical test angler catches new American carp record


Radical test angler catches new American carp record at 54lb 8oz!

Quantum Radical test fisherman Raphaël Biagini submitted us his latest report: "I am very happy to announce that I had the incredible opportunity to catch the biggest carp ever caught by a carp angler with modern fishing techniques (Catch and Release) in the U.S.A.! This historic catch happened in New Jersey State on Sunday, in the morning of November 11th, on the bank of a “small” river. I might add that what I call a small size here is a bit different from what we know as small in Europe.

Unfortunately I cannot reveal the exact location because I have to keep the name of this river a secret out of respect to the local anglers, who were kind enough to share their knowledge with me. In addition carp fishing in the United States is not like it is practised in Europe: the catch and release concept is not widespread here (while bow hunting for carp seems to be more common), it would be regrettable if this fish could not live in peace.

This amazing specimen is a common carp, 98 cm long with a weight of 54 lb 8 oz (24.7 kg)! After an amazing fight and lots of great pictures taken I had the pleasure to put her back in her natural environment… A magic moment!

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